School Initiatives

Junior Entrepreneur Programme

Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) has given our primary school pupils the opportunity to experience practical, real-life business learning as part of their formative education. Running over a 12 to 16 week period during the school year, JEP nurtures creativity, independence and problem-solving among pupils of all abilities, with every aspect of the Programme seamlessly blending into the primary school curriculum.
Under the inspiration of local entrepreneurs, children will discover their strengths as individuals and as part of a team. Together, they’ll choose, invest in and produce their own product or service from scratch, all the way to making it available for sale at a school-hosted JEP Showcase Day – and enjoying the profits at the end.

Science Blast

ESB Science Blast is a non-competitive educational programme for primary schools from 3rd to 6th Class, involving the whole class investigating the science behind a simple question. Each year, we showcase our projects in Limerick.

Active Flag

The Active School Flag (ASF) initiative provides schools with a framework to guide, support and incentivise them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community. Our school is in our third year of the Active flag initiative. As part of our title as an Active School we run a very enjoyable Active week in June. This year we will be doing activities such as yoga, step aerobics, tennis, rugby, athletics and a sports day.

  Active Flag Committee 2024/2025

Amber Flag

Our school has obtained three Amber flags for Wellbeing. Each year, the Amber Flag Committee run a whole school Wellbeing Day where they design tasks and events for their peers and teach them about looking after their well-being. We also fundraise for charities such as Pieta House. The school invites guest speakers and yoga instructors into the school throughout the year and the children find these lessons to be very relaxing and enjoyable.


GAA and other sports

The school participates in a variety of GAA activities such as Football, Ladies Football, Hurling and Camogie. We take part in competitions in the North Cork area. We also compete in the Indoor hurling competitions from 3rd to 6th class. Pat Spratt, Cork GDA, also coaches in the school throughout the year. There is training throughout the year for all children from 3rd to 6th class. Since the beginning of the school year, the girls have enjoyed numerous opportunities for camogie skill development both in school and with the help of outside coaches Pat Spratt and Kathleen O’Brien. The girls have also been training every Tuesday for the past term in preparation for upcoming indoor camogie competitions. Milford NS Camogie team are eager to put their skills into action for the big day!


We have had the pleasure of having Matt Browne from Munster Rugby in to coach all the children in the school this year. These lessons have been enjoyed hugely by the children.

Active Week

We have had the pleasure of having Matt Browne from Munster Rugby in to coach all the children in the school this year. These lessons have been enjoyed hugely by the children.


Literacy Lift off

This is a key aspect of our Literacy teaching in the school. The children in 1st-4th class participate in this throughout the year. It is based on short mini lessons in a station teaching format and the children will cover areas such as comprehension, grammar, dictation, phonics, oral language and writing in these lessons. They are also exposed to a variety of graded readers which allow them to progress during the period of time.

Music & Dance

In Scoil Mhuire, children are given opportunities to learn the tin-whistle, song singing and use of other musical instruments. Children perform in concerts and talent shows throughout the school year. The children thoroughly enjoyed their recent musical Cinderella Rockafella. Music gives students unique opportunities to express themselves creatively and build confidence. Dancing is also taught each year in our school. Dancing helps kids develop new skills, get physically active, and explore a creative art form. Movement combinations increase memory, order, and sequencing skills. The children enjoy music and dance immensely.

French Lessons

We have the pleasure of having Rebecca in the school for French lessons. She has taken classes from 3rd-6th class for a 6-week period over the past four years. These lessons have been very popular among the staff and children and has given the children the chance to experience a language that many of them may be using in Secondary school. It is hoped that this will continue to be a regular event in the school calendar with the hope that the younger classes will get the opportunity as well.


Gardening Polytunnel

We have access to a poly tunnel in the community and this gives the children the opportunity to engage in gardening work throughout the year. The children grow a variety of plants throughout the year and develop a sense of enjoyment for gardening. We have many talented gardeners in the school and they get huge enjoyment out of this experience. This opportunity in partnership with the Tidy Towns.




Our school is participating in our second year of the Gaelbhratach initiative to promote the speaking of Irish outside of the classroom.

room. Is scéim gradaim í Gaelbhratach a thugann aitheantas do scoileanna a ghníomhaíonn le húsáid na Gaeilge
agus feasacht ar an teanga a chur chun cinn tríd an scoil ar fad agus sa phobal lasmuigh di.

Cén fáth gur fiú don scoil páirt a ghlacadh?
1. Spreagfaidh Gaelbhratach úsáid na Gaeilge sa scoil ina hiomláine

2. Cuirfidh Gaelbhratach le híomhá dhearfach na
Gaeilge sa scoil agus i measc an phobail lasmuigh di

3. Ardóidh Gaelbhratach feasacht i measc na scoláirí ar an saol Gaeilge lasmuigh den scoil

4. Beidh níos mó spéise ag na scoláirí sa Ghaeilge
5. Spreagfaidh Gaelbhratach ceannaireacht i measc na scoláirí
6. Cumasófar na scoláirí le gníomhú le húsáid naGaeilge a chur chun cinn sa scoil
7. Cruthóidh Gaelbhratach gréasán oibre idir na scoláirí, na múinteoirí agus ceannasaíocht na scoile
8. Beidh a fhios ag scoláirí, foireann na scoile agus ag tuismitheoirí poitéinsiúil go bhfuil spéis faoi leith ag an scoil sa Ghaeilge agus cur chun cinn úsáid na Gaeilge
9. Beidh an scoil páirteach sa ghluaiseacht náisiúnta le húsáid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn
10. Nuair a chomhlíonfar na céimeanna go sásúil, bronnfar Gaelbhratach ar an scoil. Beidh sé mar chomhartha aitheantais ar an obair ar fad a bheidh déanta ag an scoil le húsáid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn go gníomhach.

Coiste Gaelbhratach 2024/2025


Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Throughout the years we have obtained flags for litter & waste, energy, water and travel. This year we are working on biodiversity.

Biodiversity looks at steps which can be taken in schools to increase awareness of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats.

Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce.

Green-schools Committee 2024/2025