Physical Education


Active Flag

Our school has one Active flag and will be hopefully applying for a second one next year. As part of our title as an Active School we run a very enjoyable Active week in June. This year we will be doing activities such as yoga, step aerobics, tennis, rugby, athletics and a sports day.

GAA and other sports

The school participates in a variety of GAA activities such as Football, Ladies Football, Hurling and Camogie. We take part in competitions in the North Cork area. We also compete in the Indoor hurling competitions from 3rd to 6th class. Pat Spratt, Cork GDA, also coaches in the school throughout the year. There is training throughout the year for all children from 3rd to 6th class.


Since the beginning of the school year, the girls have enjoyed numerous opportunities for camogie skill development both in school and with the help of outside coaches Pat Spratt and Kathleen O’Brien. The girls have also been training every Tuesday for the past term in preparation for upcoming indoor camogie competitions. The Milford NS Camogie team are eager to put their skills into action for the big day!


We have had the pleasure of having Aidan Sheehan from Munster Rugby in to

coach all the children in the school this year. These lessons have been enjoyed hugely by the children.




All children are completing a 5-week gymnastics programme in our local hall with Mary. The children are bending over backwards with enthusiasm for P.E

Active Week

Each year we host a very successful and enjoyable Active Week in the school, usually in the month of June. This year we have a variety of coaches that will take the children for classes throughout the week. We have tennis, yoga, rugby, athletics and dance instructors coming and we also have an eagerly anticipated sports day.

Cork City Sports

This is one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the school calendar each year. We have a very successful history in the event over many years. The event is held in early June each year and schools from all over the country send their competitors to the race. We send children from all classes if they qualify in the trials. It is an event that gives the children lasting memories if they are fortunate enough to qualify.


PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) teaches children lifesaving guidelines around water
safety and compliance. It provides the children with tips and advice about how to be water
wise. The programme is reinforced through interactive games and activities to ensure
lifelong learning. Over the past few weeks 3 rd and 4 th class have been engaging with the Land
PAWS programme where they have learned how to be safe around rivers, beaches, farms,
and many other water areas. The children have since received their certs and feel confident
in making water wise decisions in their own lives. Well done to them!