Celebrating World Book Day today, the children loved dressing up and also enjoyed some shared reading in all the classrooms.
Grandparents Day at Milford School!
Congratulations to all the students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation! February 19th
Valentines Art
The school now has a Re-turn bin which we will be encouraging students to use.
Thanks to our Green School Committee members for making the first deposits today.
Well done to 3rd and 4th Class girls who took part in the Sciath na Scoil Finals in Cork this morning and came 3rd place.
Well done to all our teams who took part the Killmallock and Mallow Credit Union Quiz’s last Friday night, especially 3rd and 4th Class girls who came 2nd on the night
Well done to our 2nd and 3rd class boys who played four brilliant games in an indoor football blitz- February 4th.
Congratulations to our boys in 3rd and 4th class who participated in the indoor hurling blitz in Mallow on Wednesday
Scoil Mhuires Amber Flag Committee
Congratulations to our 3rd and 4th class indoor camogie team on winning their qualifying blitz in Mallow. January 16th.
Students receive awards for 100% attendance from September- Christmas
Congratulations to the Gaelbhratach Committee for organising the competitions and activities that took place in our School Assembly. December 16th.
We had a lovely visit from Santa Clause, Mrs.Clause and the elves. December 15th.
3rd and 4th class enjoyed their hurling coaching last week. Special thanks again to all the coaches who have given up their time so far this year.
Thank you to Milford Tidy Towns for their generous donation of bird seeds for our feeders. Some of our Green School Committee were busy this morning.
We would like to extend a big thank you to Susan from @Cork Mental Health for speaking to our students about mental health .
Well done to our girls team today who played in the mini 7’s Football blitz in Banteer Sports
Thank you to Fit4Life partnership for providing fun gymnastics for our students.
Read and Raise
Our students will be starting a Read and Raise fundraiser on Monday 4th of November. Children will be aiming to read as much as possible for the month. The pupils in the school will get prizes for every 500 minutes they read.
There is a link below for people/companies who do not have students directly involved in the school to donate.
Alternatively there is a sponsorship link that companies can donate through and their names come up on our list of sponsors for the event and every person that donates is able to see the sponsors.
Thank you for your support.
Halloween Dress Up. October 25th
O https://www.readandraise.ie/sponsorship-link/MTE1Nzk=
We celebrated the achievements today of our pupils who were members of the victorious St. Kevin's under 12s in both Hurling and Football in the last number of weeks.
October Art.
Junior & Senior Infants having fun during maths week.
Congratulations on our students for completing 6 weeks swimming lessons in West Limerick Sports Complex. October 23rd.
A few pics from yesterday’s G.A.A. coaching in partnership with Milford G.A.A. Club.
Well done to all the boys who participated in our football blitz today along with Rahan and Shanballymore National Schools. October 3rd.
Well done to our 5th and 6th class boys who participated in the James Fitzgerald Memorial Blitz organised by CBS Charleville Secondary School yesterday
Well done to our girls football team in their blitz yesterday. They came up against a strong Churchtown and Grange teams and played extremely well- October 2nd .
Meet our Committees. Cineáltas, Gaelbhratach, Green-schools & Active Flag
5th & 6th Class planting seeds with Billy & Pat- Tidy Towns September 13th.
First Day of Primary School August 28th 2024
Active Week 10th-14th June!
Juniors & Seniors watering plants in the poly tunnel in partnership with the Tidy Towns.
Ballyhass Senior School Tour -May 29th!
Junior- 2nd Class School Tour Animal Kingdom. May 29th!
Bake Sale Fundraiser
Thank you to all the parents and students who supported our book fair. We have received €560 worth of free books as a result of your generosity.
Congratulations to Our Second Class pupils who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday May 11th.
We had a great day at the tag rugby blitz in Charleville! Thanks to all who were involved in the organising of this event May 14th
Infants and First class doing shared reading May 14th
5th & 6th class exploring sound in science 🧬
Thank you to Mallow Credit Union who kindly sponsored the school so that we would be able to purchase new PE equipment. May 8th
Thank you to the Tidy Towns Committee who helped clean and prepare some of our flower beds in the school. We had great fun planting today 😁 May 7th
Congratulations to our girls Camogie team who qualified for the schools finals following their blitz today on Mallow GAA. The girls played games against Analeentha, Burnfort and Baltydaniel National Schools
Congratulations to our boys hurling team today who played two excellent games against ShanBallymore National School.
Thanks to Pat & Billy for teaching the children how to care for our local pollytunnel & helping us plant lettuce.
Congratulations to our wonderful student Emma who has been selected to represent Cork in the upcoming Primary Games.
Congratulations to our Students who competed in the Primary Game and in the Mini Sevens Competitions recently.
Bhí Craobh na hÉirinn 2024 ar siúl ar scoil i rith na seachtaine! SnaG March 15th.
Aidan Sheehan from Munster Rugby kindly brought in the URC Trophy won by Munster Rugby Team in 2023! March 13th.
Congratulations to our second class who received their Sacrament of Penance March 28th
Congratulations to our 5th & 6th class girls on their victory in all blitz games played in Mallow ! February 27th.
Well done to our 5th/6th class indoor hurling team who competed in a blitz in Mallow. February 21st.
3rd & 4th Class enjoying Lego Coding at school
Thank you to Kilmallock Credit Union for gifting us draughts/chess boards.
Valentines Day Feb 14th
Filling Bird Feeders- January 29th.
Congratulations to all the students who competed in the Kilmallock Credit Union Table Quiz - January 28th.
4th Class Hurling Competition in Mallow GAA January 19th.
Congratulations to our pupils taking part in their recent quiz! January 18th!
Students working on their own personal blog! January 16th.
Well done to the girls who took part in the 4th class indoor competition in Mallow recently. The girls beat St Catherine's Ballynoe in their first match. They played well throughout the competition but lost their second game to a strong Kilworth side. We are extremely proud of the girls and their performance. Well done to them.
Cinderella Rockerfella, Our School Pantomime December 14th.
Congratulations Mrs Thompson on your retirement. Thank you for teaching us! We will miss you!
Congratulations to the girls football team on coming out victorious against a very strong Scoil Ghobnatan on in Mallow G.A.A. 08.11.23
Boys North Cork Schools, congratulations on reaching Cumann na mBunscoil football final. 8.11.23
Coiste Gaelbhratach 2023/2024
Happy Halloween 🎃 👻 from all of us here in Milford National School.
Maths Week 10.10.2023
Tag Rugby Blitz- October 4th!
Clothes Collection September 20th - Thank you to all who donated!
Supporting Ireland in the Rugby World Cup! September 8th.
First Day back at School- August 29th.
6th Class Graduation - June 14th 2023 Congratulations!!*
Active Flag Raised -June 12th
Juniors- 2nd Class School Tour at Grenagh Farm - June 9th!
Winners of the Sciath na Scoil 7 aside Final - June 8th
School Tour 3rd- 6th Classes - 7th June
Congratulations for all our participants in the Cork City Sports - June 1st
Congratulations Tess for representing our school at the Primary Games on May 28th!
Boys Blitz - May 24th!
Science Blast in Mary Immaculate College - May 24th!
Planting Time - May 19th!
Camogie Blitz - May 17th
Soccer Blitz 17th -May
First Holy Communion- 15th May
Student Council get new jerseys for our school after fundraising events!
Beautiful Art from our Juniors & Seniors - May 4th